Nick Eales’ blog

Hoping to save someone some time (including myself)

Hyper-V Performance – CPU

I frequently get asked by both Microsoft people as well as customers how to monitor Hyper-V. This generally really means that people want specific performance counters and thresholds - and these are not easily found in any form of consolidated list - which is what I hope to provide (across a few blog entries). I also aim to provide what each counter means (in real world terms), and what to do / look at to figure out why it exceeds the thresholds. A word of caution - I have provided values that are what I initially use when reviewing a customer environment. The thresholds often need to be varied based on hardware and requirements. These starting values are based on experience at large numbers of customer environments worldwide (by my colleagues & I), while reviewing and troubleshooting Hyper-V.

My focus when choosing these counters and values is what will change the “feel” and “responsiveness” of the virtual machines running on these servers. If these are met, then throughput will usually look after itself.

There are four typical areas that you monitor in any server environment - CPU, Disk, Memory and Network. Hyper-V is no different - although the counters used to measure these a Hyper-V environment are often totally different to a standard server.

This post is going to focus on the CPU Performance counters - since they generate the most confusion. Later posts will address the other areas.

Physical CPU utilization

Management operating system CPU usage

Virtual Machine Processor Usage

Physical CPU Context Switching

In a Hyper-V environment (Prior to Hyper-V 2019), please try to avoid using “Processor\% Processor Time” - for Hyper-V this does not measure physical CPU usage. This counter measures the amount of time the CPU is not idle within a specific operating system’s view - and the timer that it uses for this calculation is dependent on exclusive use of the CPU - which is not the case in a Hyper-V environment. For similar reasons, please do not use “Processor\Processor Queue Length”.

As usual for any of my blog posts - if you have any feedback about any of the above, please provide it - that’s how I learn.
