Nick Eales’ blog

Hoping to save someone some time (including myself)

Allow Azure VM to activate using Azure KMS when using Azure Firewall

By default the Azure firewall does not allow Azure VMs to access the Azure KMS server. There are arguements for and against this - however currently the firewall only lets traffic through if you let it. As the KMS server is outside your Azure virtual network, this functionality is blocked.


  1. routing within the vNet (by UDR or other) directs traffic destined for Azure KMS to the Azure Firewall.
  2. Azure VM is running a supported Windows version that can activate with Azure’s KMS server.

This is being documented mostly to point out that you need to use a Network Rule, not an Application Rule. Application rules only work for the HTTP & HTTPS protocols, and KMS does not use these.


This is the network rule that allows outbound access to Azure KMS server.

Select the Network rule collection tab.

  1. Select Add network rule collection.
  2. For Name, type AzureKMS.
  3. For Priority, type 200. (or pick another number that is not in use and lower then any Deny rules that would cover this traffic)
  4. For Action, select Allow.
  5. Under Rules, IP addresses, for Name, type Allow-KMS.
  6. For Protocol, select TCP.
  7. For Source type, select IP address.
  8. For Source, type <– replace this with the IP range of your vNet
  9. For Destination address, type
  10. This is the Azure KMS server’s IP.
  11. For Destination Ports, type 1688.
  12. Select Add.

if there is demand, let me know and I’ll add screenshots.
